Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
Hey! Actual diving in my diving Blog!

Here are some of my favorite people coming to visit me at Casa. The guy who lookes like he's laughing and has his eyes closed is my buddy Paul. The girl opposite him is my wonderful younger sister, Charis. In the middle is my beautiful girlfriend Lindsay. And last but not least is my bigger brother, Travis, who turned me into the Hulk in the previous post. He's not actually that small, he's really just further away(if you couldn't tell).
Hulked Out Diver

I was online the other day and I did a search for Casa bonita out of shear boredom. I found that there are not a lot of cool photos of any performances that occur there. I thought, well I have a lot of pictures. I'll post on a blog and blammo! problem solved. I'm a hero. This first one was altered my bro Travis. He thought I looked like I was Hulking out.
And thus the blog begins with this.